Sunday, May 25, 2008

Yawnns sleepy day today .
Went church as per normal .
After church went to Amk KFC to eat .
Woah mommy bought so much ._. bloated ~

Went home after that , mommy's worker came to our house .
Helped to take down the kitchen cabinet .
Omgs the kitchen like so screwed and dirty ._.
But after cleaning up its neater =x .
Courts people are coming down to fix the new cabinet next week I guess o.o .

Was using the com playing audition .
Than later went to take a nap for awhile than on com paly audi again ._. .
Kill boredom .
Suddenly nuer called ask if i could go out .
Told her to come downstairs my house than we go play swing :D .
Talk to her on phone until she reach my house .
Went to the minimart to buy drink than go playground .
Played for about 20mins like that than went home .
Whahahahs so fun :D .

Bathe and changed , left house .
Went junction8 eat sushi celebrate daddy birthday .
Tralallals a bomb $118 :x .
Teemao and shimmy was like twisting my hand D: .
Owww hurts , than i scratch shimmy until got internal bleeding ;x paiseh .
Whahaha shall end here .

Dear i miss you ): .

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